White Chamber: Trailer + Poster For Dark Sky Films Latest Offering

Dark Sky Films Proudly Announces The Release Date and Trailer Debut For White Chamber

Dark Sky Films have had some great titles throughout the years including revenge thriller M.F.A, zombie”period” drama It Stains The Sand Red and Ted Geoghegan’s haunted house horror We Are Still Here. 

Their newest edition is WHITE CHAMBER, a tense new British sci-fi thriller starring Scottish actress Shauna McDonald. McDonald plays a woman who gets kidnapped and tortured by her captor for information she claims not to have.

White Chamber may not be suited to everyone. The entire movie is almost based in one location which may not be to everyone’s taste. Personally, I really enjoy these type of one-on-one, character-driven movies, and I know a lot of my readers do too. I think they’re a lot harder to achieve as all focus is on these few characters and nothing else.

A film like this requires the acting to be on-point and an intelligent script for it all to be believable. I think White Chamber is going to tick all of the above boxes. It looks like we’re in for a nice indie treat here!.

White Chamber


“The United Kingdom in the near future. Civil war rages, and martial law has been declared by a military government hellbent on squashing the opposition. A woman (Scottish BAFTA nominee Shauna MacDonald, The Descent) wakes up in a blindingly white cuboid cell, where General Zakarian (Oded Fehr) uses increasingly sophisticated and cruel methods to torture her for information – information she claims not to have. As questions of trust are placed both on captor and captive, they find themselves embroiled in an increasingly spiraling journey into the nature of authority.

Tense, shocking, and all-too relevant, WHITE CHAMBER poses the question: can there even be such a thing as certainty in these most uncertain of times?”

Here’s the trailer, I hope you enjoy. I have a feeling you will.

 As always, thanks for reading .

Words by Gary Gamble 

Founder/Editor/Writer/BigCheese @ Moviehooker


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