3 Awesome Lesser-Known European Genre Films

I am back with a new list of 3 lesser-known genre films from Europe you may have missed. I hope you enjoy it.

Some straight-up Swedish Evil Dead homage and two flicks from Germany that shine with weird uniqueness. These three lesser-known genre titles are a must for fans of genre cinema. Let’s get to it.


Wither is one of those films that grabs you from the opening shot. A man is frantically searching through a forest for his wife, Lisa. What he finds is his loved one chewing the face-off and cannibalising his daughter.

The characters are not very relatable but where it lacks in character-building, it sure makes up for it with the insaneamount of gore and goopy practical fx. 

The only thing you need to know is that Wither is the Swedish Evil Dead and a damn fine tribute to it too. It just replaces the Deadites with Hellish a ground-dwelling creature from Swedish folklore that lives to infect the next person.


Der Samurai follows a young by-the-book cop who is having issues trying to keep a wild wolf from entering a populated neighbourhood. His night is about to get much worse when he gets caught up in a wild cat-and-mouse chase with a cross-dressing man with a samurai and a fondness for beheading.

A bit of a slow-burn and it takes a while to get where it’s going but you won’t see anything else like Der Samurai – I can guarantee you that. 


A teacher in search of a life of solitude takes a job in a bunker-like mansion where a strange family need his services. His new assignment is to teach the child of the family. To train him to be smart and make him the president of the United States. Sounds strange, right? Well, let me tell you, ‘strange’ doesn’t even begin to explain this crazy yet wonderful film.

Der Bunker is one of the most original and unique indie comedies I have ever seen. It is still fresh in my mind all these years later. It might be time for a re-watch (fun fact: the actor who plays the manchild in Der Bunker is also the cross-dressing madman from Der Samurai) 

So, there are three lesser-known genre movies I just hooked you up with. And guess what? Folk in the UK/Ireland can check out all the above-mentioned films on the Plex streaming app. 

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