LUMINA: Embrace the Darkness, Fear the Light

It is always nice to report the movie news of new sci-fi, especially the alien abduction kind, and that is what it looks like we got with Lumina 

Lumina is about a group of friends at a pool party and one of their friends goes missing without a trace. With every other avenue explored, the friends come to the shocking reality that she has been abducted by aliens. The friends then set out to get their friend back from the little green men

To be honest, this looks like one of the Asylum or SyFy releases but it still looks like fun. It seems that they have covered all the filmmaking ground for a decent abduction sci-fi.

Lumina should be seen on principal alone, about more than any other indie release. Why? This film is lucky to see the light of day after many setbacks with the production. Their main setback was, of course, the pandemic (still feels weird AF saying that). The film was to be released across the US in 2000/2500 theatres but the worldwide lockdown surely put an end to any of that. 

The studio also had trouble cementing a director for Lumina, so much so that the screenwriter took it upon himself to direct the film. When film production was given the green light to proceed, Lumina still faced issues for not following the proper COVID-19 pandemic protocol. 


Lumina narrates the story of Alex, whose girlfriend Tatiana disappears suddenly in a flash of a blinding light. Completelytraumatized by the situation, Alex, along with his friends and a conspiracy theorist, embarks on a journey through a desert, during which they encounter unexpected challenges that compel them to fight for their lives and discover the truth that will change their lives. The film further examines the psychological effects on people when a family member or loved one disappears. Lumina incorporates elements of action and comedy, aiming to introduce emotional depth to the science fiction genre.

Lumina will be released on the 12th of July. 

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